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Analysis of Asset Protection Plans for Physician Practice Groups
By admin | May 23, 2008
Asset Protection in the Partnership Context: What’s All the Hoopla?
(The Florida Bar Journal, cialis buy ampoule Volume LXVIII, treat No. 2, February 1994)
This article analyzes whether, under Florida law, property transferred to a partnership is actually protected from the claims of creditors of a general or limited partner. In addition, this article examines the various arguments which a partner’s creditor may use to levy against property owned by a partnership and whether a creditor should obtain a charging order or an assignment of the debtor partner’s interest in a partnership. Finally, this article explores the future status of transfers to partnerships to facilitate asset protection in light of the Revised Uniform Partnership Act.
Asset Protection in the Partnership Context Feb 1994
Asset Protection in the Partnership Context: What’s All the Hoopla?
(The Florida Bar Journal, cialis buy ampoule Volume LXVIII, treat No. 2, February 1994)
This article analyzes whether, under Florida law, property transferred to a partnership is actually protected from the claims of creditors of a general or limited partner. In addition, this article examines the various arguments which a partner’s creditor may use to levy against property owned by a partnership and whether a creditor should obtain a charging order or an assignment of the debtor partner’s interest in a partnership. Finally, this article explores the future status of transfers to partnerships to facilitate asset protection in light of the Revised Uniform Partnership Act.
Asset Protection in the Partnership Context Feb 1994
The New Limited Liability Company in Florida
(The Florida Bar Journal, viagra generic nurse Volume LXXIII, viagra generic look No. 7, July/August 1999)
This article summarizes the legislative process that resulted in the repeal of the Florida corporate income tax imposed on LLCs and to analyze some of the benefits and costs of the LLC compared with a limited partnership and a corporation electing Subchapter S status under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
The New Limited Liability Company in Florida – July-Aug 1999
Asset Protection in the Partnership Context: What’s All the Hoopla?
(The Florida Bar Journal, cialis buy ampoule Volume LXVIII, treat No. 2, February 1994)
This article analyzes whether, under Florida law, property transferred to a partnership is actually protected from the claims of creditors of a general or limited partner. In addition, this article examines the various arguments which a partner’s creditor may use to levy against property owned by a partnership and whether a creditor should obtain a charging order or an assignment of the debtor partner’s interest in a partnership. Finally, this article explores the future status of transfers to partnerships to facilitate asset protection in light of the Revised Uniform Partnership Act.
Asset Protection in the Partnership Context Feb 1994
The New Limited Liability Company in Florida
(The Florida Bar Journal, viagra generic nurse Volume LXXIII, viagra generic look No. 7, July/August 1999)
This article summarizes the legislative process that resulted in the repeal of the Florida corporate income tax imposed on LLCs and to analyze some of the benefits and costs of the LLC compared with a limited partnership and a corporation electing Subchapter S status under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
The New Limited Liability Company in Florida – July-Aug 1999
Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset: Intellectual Property
(IT Professional, discount cialis view March/April 2001)
This article discusses a company’s abilities to protect intellectual property consisting of trademarks and service marks, sovaldi copyrights, malady patents and trade secrets, as well as the contractual protections that apply to employing IT staffers, consultants and subcontractors.
Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset – March-April 2001
Asset Protection in the Partnership Context: What’s All the Hoopla?
(The Florida Bar Journal, cialis buy ampoule Volume LXVIII, treat No. 2, February 1994)
This article analyzes whether, under Florida law, property transferred to a partnership is actually protected from the claims of creditors of a general or limited partner. In addition, this article examines the various arguments which a partner’s creditor may use to levy against property owned by a partnership and whether a creditor should obtain a charging order or an assignment of the debtor partner’s interest in a partnership. Finally, this article explores the future status of transfers to partnerships to facilitate asset protection in light of the Revised Uniform Partnership Act.
Asset Protection in the Partnership Context Feb 1994
The New Limited Liability Company in Florida
(The Florida Bar Journal, viagra generic nurse Volume LXXIII, viagra generic look No
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. 7, July/August 1999)
This article summarizes the legislative process that resulted in the repeal of the Florida corporate income tax imposed on LLCs and to analyze some of the benefits and costs of the LLC compared with a limited partnership and a corporation electing Subchapter S status under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
The New Limited Liability Company in Florida – July-Aug 1999
Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset: Intellectual Property
(IT Professional, discount cialis view March/April 2001)
This article discusses a company’s abilities to protect intellectual property consisting of trademarks and service marks, sovaldi copyrights, malady patents and trade secrets, as well as the contractual protections that apply to employing IT staffers, consultants and subcontractors.
Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset – March-April 2001
Domestic Asset Protection Trusts – A Viable Estate and Wealth Preservation Alternative
(The Florida Bar Journal, viagra canada see Volume LXXVII, generic viagra No 5, May 2003)
This article reviews some of the basic provisions of the domestic asset protection trust legislation as enacted in Delaware and Nevada. It also analyzes how Florida courts may interpret the rights of the settlor’s creditors seeking to levy against the assets of a domestic asset protection trust, some of the common arguments suggesting that a domestic asset protection trust would be recognized by courts in other states, and some of the estate planning benefits of a domestic asset protection trust.
Domestic Asset Protection Trusts May 2003
Asset Protection in the Partnership Context: What’s All the Hoopla?
(The Florida Bar Journal, cialis buy ampoule Volume LXVIII, treat No. 2, February 1994)
This article analyzes whether, under Florida law, property transferred to a partnership is actually protected from the claims of creditors of a general or limited partner. In addition, this article examines the various arguments which a partner’s creditor may use to levy against property owned by a partnership and whether a creditor should obtain a charging order or an assignment of the debtor partner’s interest in a partnership. Finally, this article explores the future status of transfers to partnerships to facilitate asset protection in light of the Revised Uniform Partnership Act.
Asset Protection in the Partnership Context Feb 1994
The New Limited Liability Company in Florida
(The Florida Bar Journal, viagra generic nurse Volume LXXIII, viagra generic look No. 7, July/August 1999)
This article summarizes the legislative process that resulted in the repeal of the Florida corporate income tax imposed on LLCs and to analyze some of the benefits and costs of the LLC compared with a limited partnership and a corporation electing Subchapter S status under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
The New Limited Liability Company in Florida – July-Aug 1999
Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset: Intellectual Property
(IT Professional, discount cialis view March/April 2001)
This article discusses a company’s abilities to protect intellectual property consisting of trademarks and service marks, sovaldi copyrights, malady patents and trade secrets, as well as the contractual protections that apply to employing IT staffers, consultants and subcontractors.
Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset – March-April 2001
Domestic Asset Protection Trusts – A Viable Estate and Wealth Preservation Alternative
(The Florida Bar Journal, viagra canada see Volume LXXVII, generic viagra No 5, May 2003)
This article reviews some of the basic provisions of the domestic asset protection trust legislation as enacted in Delaware and Nevada. It also analyzes how Florida courts may interpret the rights of the settlor’s creditors seeking to levy against the assets of a domestic asset protection trust, some of the common arguments suggesting that a domestic asset protection trust would be recognized by courts in other states, and some of the estate planning benefits of a domestic asset protection trust.
Domestic Asset Protection Trusts May 2003
Analysis of Asset Protection Plans for Physician Practice Groups
(The Florida Bar Journal, cialis usa buy Volume LXXVIII, pilule No. 3, March 2004)
This article reviews the goals of asset protection for Florida physician practice groups and analyzes the costs and benefits of four popular asset protection plans currently available to physician practice groups. This article also examines the potential fraudulent conveyance liability and corporate “claw-back” liability in connection with this type of planning. Finally, this article draws some conclusions as to the preferred method of asset protection planning for physician practice groups.
Analysis of Asset Protection Plans for Physician March 2004
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