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Wells Accepted into ACTEC

By admin | November 1, 2010

Tom Wells gave a CLE to lawyers on Material Issues in Health Care at the Advanced Health Law Topics and Certification Review 2009. This is an annual conference sponsored by The Health Law Section of The Florida Bar to assist Florida lawyers seeking to become certified in Health Law. Many of the attendees are annual participants interested in learning legal updates in the health law industry that occurred during the past year. It was held in Orlando, viagra usa salve  Florida on March 6, medicine 2009. The seminar provided by Mr. Wells included choice of entity decisions for health care providers as well as explaining asset protectioti alternatives for physicians. Mr. Wells also covered issues addressing tax-exempt hospitals like paying reasonable compensation to physicians and the recent changes to Form 990. “Teaching this course allows me to stay on top of many tax issues that my health care practice clients are facing, look ” said Mr. Wells.
Tom Wells gave a CLE to lawyers on Material Issues in Health Care at the Advanced Health Law Topics and Certification Review 2009. This is an annual conference sponsored by The Health Law Section of The Florida Bar to assist Florida lawyers seeking to become certified in Health Law. Many of the attendees are annual participants interested in learning legal updates in the health law industry that occurred during the past year. It was held in Orlando, viagra usa salve  Florida on March 6, medicine 2009. The seminar provided by Mr

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. Wells included choice of entity decisions for health care providers as well as explaining asset protectioti alternatives for physicians. Mr. Wells also covered issues addressing tax-exempt hospitals like paying reasonable compensation to physicians and the recent changes to Form 990. “Teaching this course allows me to stay on top of many tax issues that my health care practice clients are facing, look ” said Mr. Wells.
Tom Wells has been named as a member to the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (“ACTEC”). ACTEC is a national organization of approximately 2, viagra generic  600 lawyers elected to membership by demonstrating the highest level of integrity, discount cialis commitment to the profession, competence and experience as trust and estate counselors. Mr. Wells was also named again to several lists of Top Lawyers as follows:

2011 Best Lawyers in America for Tax Law and Trusts and Estates. This list is a peer-rated service comprising more than 2.5 million confidential surveys from top lawyers in the United States that has been designating such lawyers for the past 25 years.

2011 Florida Legal Elite for Tax Law. The Florida Legal Elite is published by Florida Trend and includes less than 2% of active Florida Bar members.

2011 Florida Super Lawyers for Business and Corporate Law, Tax Law and Estate Planning and Probate. The list of Florida Super Lawyers is published by Law & Politics and is limited to 5% of active Florida Bar members.

2011 Top Lawyers in South Florida by the South Florida Legal Guide for Corporate Law and Estate Planning and Probate. The peer-rated survey is limited to attorneys who have been practicing for 15 years.

“ACTEC is a wonderful organization comprised of some of the brightest and most innovative estate planning attorneys in the United States,” said Wells. “It will provide me with an excellent opportunity to monitor cutting-edge tax issues for the benefit of my clients.”

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